Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mermaid's Grotto

The Mermaid's Grotto was a quaint cafe on the coast of Mexico. It had a green underwater theme, located in a man-made cave (true to the "Grotto"). The food was of the seafood variety, and it wasn't half bad. The owner, though, was a beauty, and brought in more customers than the food or the atmosphere.

She had dark chestnut hair, curly and long. She had olive eyes, a sharp and straight nose, and a slightly too wide mouth. She had a weird look about her-- not in an unattractive way. She just had a face that you stared at and couldn't look away from. Regardless, she was beautiful, and she moved there two years ago, and has since become so close to the locals that she might as well be one, too.

She was always ready to try new things; she had an adventurous personality and radiated confidence, so when one of the locals invited her out to cliff diving, she readily accepted. They are both naive people in nature, but she more so than he. She knew the dangers better than he, and knew full well what they, she, was risking.

The local's name was Pascal, and he was a sweet boy, probably around 16 or 17. He had dark skin and dark hair, and had a tall and broad stature in general; he was an athlete with a puppy dog disposition.

They got to the cliff side, having met up at the currently closed Mermaid's Grotto. Pascal looked into her olive eyes with his own brown eyes.

"Are you ready?" He asked, offering her his hand.

"Of course," she replied, giving the offer of his hand a slight sneer. Without hesitation, they both turned and ran towards the edge of the cliff, as if racing.

Despite the salt in the water, Pascal opened his eyes to look at her. He gasped, inhaling the water, beginning to choke. She looked at him, startled and afraid. Pascal blacked out as she swam towards him, her mermaid tail glinting in the rays of sunlight peeking through the water.

Her name was Raisa.


  1. THIS IS SO WONDERFUL! I knew something crazy and unexpected was going to happen and it drove me mad reading through to get to it because i just really wanted to know! I was not disappointed with the ending at all! I love this so much!

    1. Thank you!! I'm so freaking happy you like it! :D :D

  2. What a wonderful surprise this story ending has! I should have known you'd be clever enough to go back to the paint color. Bravo! This is so entertaining and well written. Thank you!

    1. No, thank you! I really appreciate the compliments!! :)

  3. What a wonderful surprise this story ending has! I should have known you'd be clever enough to go back to the paint color. Bravo! This is so entertaining and well written. Thank you!
