Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Why I Write

I'm gonna be completely honest here.

I started writing because I was playing World of Warcraft and some people I had just met asked if I wanted to roleplay with them-- which is sort of like co-writing a constant, on-going story until your character is dead. I found it intriguing and I was awful at first; I was just 11. I had no idea how it worked. But I roleplayed on and off until very recently-- until November of 2015. I'd been roleplaying for about six years, though closer to five if you take out the breaks from roleplaying that I took.

Now, I write simply because I enjoy it. It helps me understand myself, It helps me vent. It helps me sort out my feelings before I talk about them with other people. It's a creative outlet that I need, like painting or drawing, but writing is more from the heart than visual art, for me.

I write to show love. I'm a very physical person, meaning I show love through affection, and I don't like to touch or be touched unless I am comfortable with the person. I am also very verbal; I like to tell people they're appreciated. While I think you should show your love, you should also say it. It's nice to get that verbal confirmation that you matter. That you're cared for. That you're missed. For me, simply being shown isn't enough. I need to be told.

I write because there are some thoughts I can't share with others. Like mean thoughts. Thoughts that I KNOW are irrational. Thoughts that I don't want to be real, so I don't say it to someone. Thoughts that can't be heard by others, because my notebook won't tell my secrets.

I write to understand. I write to be understood. I write to love. I write to be loved. I write to express. I write to tell secrets. I write so that others can read my work and think, "She wrote what I was thinking."
I write because it is art.


  1. If you ever ask me why we're friends I'm going to point you to this.

  2. I'm really going to miss you! :(
