Friday, April 29, 2016

Final E-mail

Dear Reader,

I apologize for the generic e-mail. Next Thursday, May the 4th, I graduate from high school. After that, I will be working a majority of the time, visiting France in June, and then moving out of my parents' home in the late summer. I will be fairly busy so I don't want to get your hopes up. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to e-mail, if at all. You can e-mail me regardless, and I will respond whenever possible. But don't expect a response super soon.

Your friend, Caitlyn Kittrell


  1. You have such an outgoing personality, and I love it. I love your outlook on life, you look at the glass half full. That is the way to go! I hope you have a fun filled life with adventures that bring pure happiness out of you. Please don't stop being you! Good luck, You got this!

    1. Thank you so much Alyssa! You're so kind to everyone.

  2. Caitlyn, I'm so grateful to have been a part of your senior year. I have truly enjoyed hearing and reading about your insights as we shared films and stories and creative writings. You have so much talent and wit. I do hope you'll stay in touch. I'm missing you already!

    1. Thank you! I've loved having class with you, and I will most definitely stay in touch, as well as update my blog as often as I can!

    2. Thank you! I've loved having class with you, and I will most definitely stay in touch, as well as update my blog as often as I can!

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