Friday, April 29, 2016

Scavenger Hunt

The top left picture is a picture of the park from a sidewalk near Parkview. I've always loved the park, and I used to visit Fassnight on the reg.
The one below it is a picture of angel rays, taken at Nathaniel Green park. ... I really love parks.
The one to the right of the angel rays is the stone stairs near Parkview and Fassnight. This is my "weird angle."
The one above it is a fountain. I just thought it was cute.
The one to the right of the fountain is a picture of myself and Zach. Zach is my best friend and has become one of the most important people in my life. I adore him and he constantly motivates to me to be a better version of myself. I've been tempted to make a blog post about him for a while.
The picture of the pile of rocks is my cat's grave marker. She passed away on March 31st. I like this picture because there's a heart-shaped rock on the top.
The last three pictures are just pictures that I took and enjoy looking at.

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